Empowering EU’s Net Zero Goal: Corporate Renewable Energy ProcurementIn the face of such an imperative issue as climate change, energy transition is an inevitable choice to promote sustainable development for…Apr 3, 2024Apr 3, 2024
Stop balancing reporting! Capitalism is sneaking in climate change coverageThe IPCC Fifth Assessment Report has shown that there is scientific consensus that human impact is most likely the main cause of observed…Nov 6, 20231Nov 6, 20231
The reasons behind online parasitic journalism todayWhy does it matter for news producers and what can they do?Feb 16, 2023Feb 16, 2023
How does a rental scammer swindle money by email and booking.com? A real experienceIf you are also searching for an apartment to rent in Brussels, watch out for personal information leakage and rental scammer! So this…Jul 15, 2022Jul 15, 2022
How are the authorship and ownership of AI art blurred in a resource-sharing platform today?Nowadays, we are living in a digital age, and digitalization creates a digital culture that is different from all of the cultures that we…Jun 28, 2022Jun 28, 2022
The benefits and challenges of the IoTNowadays, the Internet is something that most people use every day, whether consciously or unconsciously. Further, with the rapid…May 6, 2022May 6, 2022
#留學荷蘭分享 第一次過嘉年華!荷蘭的嘉年華除了稱Carnival又稱Vastenavond,主要於荷蘭南部和東部舉行。慶祝的重點在於角色的轉換,以及擺脫社會的規範,因此人們會穿上奇裝異服走上街,在街上暢飲狂歡,各種慶祝活動不分白天與夜晚地進行著。每年嘉年華的日期都不同,區間範圍從2月初至3月初,由於地理因素,…Mar 14, 2022Mar 14, 2022
FIFA阿拉伯盃決戰之夜 香榭大道喇叭聲響不停!國際足球總會(FIFA)舉辦的阿拉伯盃(Arac cup)於2021年12月18日進行總決賽,由阿爾及利亞(Algeria)隊對上突尼斯(Tunisia)隊,最後阿爾及利亞隊以2比0擊敗突尼斯隊,奪下這次阿拉伯盃的冠軍。Jan 6, 2022Jan 6, 2022
Human-centered design matters!Nowadays, design thinking has become one of the most popular ways to design a product or solve a problem. Design thinking is a…Dec 14, 2021Dec 14, 2021
匈牙利新法案列LGBT為18禁!後續爭議不斷 17國聯署送歐洲法院匈牙利議會於6月15日通過一項新法案,明文禁止學校的課程中與兒童節目中,出現有關LGBT的內容。然而,這項法案遭到對立黨以及人權組織的強烈批評。Jun 26, 2021Jun 26, 2021